Radio waves

KCBQ Interview

San Diego, California

April 28, 2019

Dr. Lisa Campbell and I did a mini-publicity tour last weekend and here is the interview we did with Dave Stall on KCBQ. I was on the radio, people! We walked into the studio feeling like we might vomit at any moment and he promptly put us at ease and led the way. He made it so easy. It was amazing.

I would love to discuss – drop your questions in my comment section.

Behavioral Activation for PTSD

9 thoughts on “Radio waves

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  1. Where there any other things you wanted to discuss in the interview but didn’t get to?

    If you were to publish another book, what kind of book would it be/ what would it be about?

    What would be your dream interview platform? (Ex. A certain talk show host, radio host, TEDtalk, etc..)

    1. Great questions! There were many things we didn’t get to discuss because of time constraints. Highest on my list would be describing additional symptoms- especially avoidance symptoms since they are so prevalent for most people suffering from PTSD. I would also have liked to explain Prolonged Exposure Therapy to give people an idea of what happens during that type of treatment. Near and dear to my heart is also educating people on how to respond when someone tells you that they have PTSD or that they’ve been sexually assaulted – and what not to say. And so many other things…

      As for other books, my passion has always been writing fiction. Getting a novel published would be amazing! But Dr. Campbell and I definitely have more to say on the subject of PTSD and I think we will work together for years to come. We love collaborating and feel that together we offer a unique perspective. She has dedicated her career to helping individuals struggling with trauma and I am now determined to do anything I can to bring understanding of PTSD to the general public and reduce the stigma associated with this disorder.

      I have a vivid imagination so your final question made me super happy! If you’ve read my travel posts you already know that I adore NYC. I have a fantasy about Lisa and I going together to hit the morning shows. But doing a TEDtalk would also make me feel like our message was truly making it to the masses. And that is our ultimate goal.

      Thanks for the questions – and for listening.

      1. It sounds like you should create a podcast! It would be a great platform to reach a large audience and you would have full control and creative freedom to explore the many topics relating to PTSD. Just food for thought!

  2. Great interview! Look forward to more in the future. Absolutely awesome!

    Loads of love,

  3. Awesome interview! So much information and you and Lisa made it very easy to understand 🤗

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