Friends fight back

June is National PTSD Awareness Month! Today's post isn't actually a normal posts. Instead, it's an announcement - cue the trumpets! Dr. Lisa Campbell and I have embarked on a new joint adventure. We had so much fun together during our mini-publicity tour that we decided it needed to be a regular gig. We have... Continue Reading →

Mental injury

Years ago, I choked on a bite of food. I’m not using the word choked lightly here, people. There was a moment when I believed I was about to die right in front of my child. I wasn’t coughing and sputtering – I couldn’t – because I wasn’t able to breathe – like, at all.... Continue Reading →

Radio waves

Dr. Lisa Campbell and I did a radio interview about PTSD and you can listen to it here!

Triggers 101: boom, bang, pizza

In my first post after our big Italian adventure, I promised to write about triggering while traveling. For those of you who have been waiting with bated breath for that post to drop, today’s your lucky day! Let’s dig in. First, I want you to understand what a trigger is. To do that, I’m going... Continue Reading →

Let’s celebrate!

Today is publishing day! When I was very young, my mom would fetch our ancient typewriter out of the closet every single time I asked. It was heavy and I was small. She would position it carefully on the kitchen table. Then, I would climb up onto the orange, bar-height, vinyl, revolving chair and prepare... Continue Reading →

Behavioral Activation for PTSD

It's official, folks! I have co-authored a book with my good friend and PTSD specialist, Dr. Lisa Campbell. Behavioral Activation for PTSD: A Workbook for Men applies the principles of the proactive behavioral activation approach to trauma-related symptoms. It offers exercises to help survivors overcome their triggers and avoidance behaviors by reintroducing positive, mood-boosting activities.... Continue Reading →

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