Let’s celebrate!

Behavioral Activation for PTSD

Today is publishing day!

When I was very young, my mom would fetch our ancient typewriter out of the closet every single time I asked. It was heavy and I was small. She would position it carefully on the kitchen table. Then, I would climb up onto the orange, bar-height, vinyl, revolving chair and prepare myself for the work I was about to do – after a spin or two, of course. When I was ready, I would hunt and peck my way across the keys. Let me tell you, those keys were special. Each one had a letter embossed in gold on its face and a slightly curved edge to cradle my finger. Choosing a letter was a commitment. I had to want each one enough to expend the energy required to select it. And the carriage return – oh my – this machine was so old that I’m not talking a button folks. I’m talking a lever on the side that my hand had to follow all the way across the page. Every. Dang. Time.

I miss that typewriter.

At that point, I was into talking animal stories. Cut me some slack – I was maybe eight. I still have those pages, mistakes and all. One was about a young cat searching for adventure on the high seas. He knew he would miss his mama, but one shining night he snuck on board a ship anyway. In my mind, that moon is still just as full and just as bright as it was on the very night he padded up that gangway and sailed into the horizon.

I have been writing for a very long time and I don’t intend to give it up any time soon. But today, something has changed. I am officially a published author! And I co-authored a book with one of my very favorite people on earth. Dr. Lisa Campbell is a champion of veterans suffering from PTSD. She is compassionate. She is kind. She is whip-smart and sharp. She helps people cope with the impact of this disorder every single time she goes to work. It was my honor and privilege to co-author this book with her. Not only that, but we had fun!

Today, my biggest dream came true. Today is a good day. I co-authored a book with my best friend and it will help the people I want to help the most. So let’s celebrate!

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