Once upon a time, a mom embarked on an adventure with her son, their two corgis, and Jasper - the cat in the backpack. They traveled by car from Upstate New York to Western Washington over the course of three weeks. They visited amazing places, slept in random motels, ate whatever they could forage along... Continue Reading →
As we wrap up 2018, I've been thinking about the progress I've made and the challenges I hope to conquer in the coming year. I'm feeling good. I hope you are too. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is to escape the day-to-day grind and get away. And let me tell you,... Continue Reading →
Devil’s Tower
We’re staying in Sturgis, South Dakota. Yep, that Sturgis. The one known for it’s gargantuan motorcycle rally. We will not be here then. Nope, no, definitely not. I understand the draw of riding a motorcycle through this part of the country. It has no helmet law, has flat high plains, winding mountain roads, absolutely massive... Continue Reading →
The dog factor
I like to think of myself as a friendly, if somewhat reserved, person. When a complete stranger initiates a conversation with me I’m happy to talk. From time to time I’ll even be the one to talk first. I almost always smile or nod as I pass someone on the street, but most of the... Continue Reading →
Here’s what I knew about Cincinnati before we arrived: It’s in Ohio. WKRP is here. It must be somewhat big because it has both a professional baseball and football team. It’s home to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center which also happens to be the reason we are here. Don’t feel bad if you... Continue Reading →
It could have been worse…
There’s an accident in middle-of-nowhere-Pennsylvania and traffic is backed up for miles. We’re an hour away from our first hotel and we’re all tired of being in the car. The dogs want out. The cat wants out. We want out. Mr. C starts complaining about the traffic. I tell him that if this is the... Continue Reading →
New York City
New York city and I have a relationship. The first time we met was on a blind date ten years ago. I’d heard a lot about it. I’d even seen pictures. It sounded nice, sexy even, but you never know if the chemistry will be there until you’re actually face-to-face. Since then, we’ve been on... Continue Reading →
Mr. C doesn’t like sandwiches. In our band of misfits this makes him the odd man out. If I put a sandwich down for Barnaby or Watson it would disappear in seconds. They’d like it so much they’d even lick the ground to make sure they didn’t miss the smallest speck of deliciousness. Even Jasper... Continue Reading →
Three. Two. One. Go…
Three pets, two people, one cross-country adventure. I bought a backpack for my cat. It worries me a little that I might have crossed a line. Like the single, middle aged woman buying a backpack so she can take her cat everywhere she goes kind of line. In my defense, it is going to be... Continue Reading →