Captive audience

I’ve started calling my pets my co-workers and my son my new personal assistant. I’m sure I’m not the only one. In my attempt to keep Mr. C on track and off the computer as much as possible, I’m assigning him all sorts of bizarre tasks while I work at our dining room table. I’m... Continue Reading →

Rediscovering who you are may be solitary, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't ask for help when you feel overwhelmed. Recovering from PTSD/C-PTSD is a backbreaking slog through every level of hell. Find your support team and allow them to have your back as needed. Asking for help doesn't mean you're weak, it means you... Continue Reading →

Write to live

I have always been a writer. Whether or not I’m any good is up to you, but for a long time, the possible judgment of others hobbled my abilities. An acute fear of humiliation and criticism kept me from pursuing my passion in any sort of public way. Obviously, that ship has freaking sailed. Funny,... Continue Reading →

An insignificant spark

Living with PTSD is a struggle and recovery requires a substantial amount of energy that, due to your symptoms, you may not have on tap to expend. At times, you’re stuck in place, consumed by symptoms flaring up so hot and high that your inner light is nothing more than an insignificant spark consumed by... Continue Reading →

You aren't really alone - there are a lot of us who feel the exact same thing. Hugs to those of you who need one - a kind smile to those of you who don't want to be touched.

Perhaps some of you need a refresher... It is not your fault.It is not your shame.You do not have to be silent. (But it is always up to you. Do what feels right.) Check out my original I will not be silent post. For more information about the impact of PTSD and trauma on survivors... Continue Reading →

Pre-event jitters

I’m always on the hunt for something that might make a difference in the way you see your own battle with PTSD or that will help someone else understand a little bit of what it’s like to live with this disorder. Every once in a while, the perfect situation drops into place and - *boom*... Continue Reading →

Friends fight back

June is National PTSD Awareness Month! Today's post isn't actually a normal posts. Instead, it's an announcement - cue the trumpets! Dr. Lisa Campbell and I have embarked on a new joint adventure. We had so much fun together during our mini-publicity tour that we decided it needed to be a regular gig. We have... Continue Reading →

Time bomb

May. Almost overnight, trees naked since before Halloween sprout bright green leaves, flowers pop, and the sun’s rays are warm enough to pink exposed cheeks and noses. School-aged children smell the freedom that lurks just out of reach, but it’s not yet hotter than an August day in hell. Nor are there insects buzzing around... Continue Reading →

Triggers 101: boom, bang, pizza

In my first post after our big Italian adventure, I promised to write about triggering while traveling. For those of you who have been waiting with bated breath for that post to drop, today’s your lucky day! Let’s dig in. First, I want you to understand what a trigger is. To do that, I’m going... Continue Reading →

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