Pre-event jitters

I’m always on the hunt for something that might make a difference in the way you see your own battle with PTSD or that will help someone else understand a little bit of what it’s like to live with this disorder. Every once in a while, the perfect situation drops into place and - *boom*... Continue Reading →

Mental injury

Years ago, I choked on a bite of food. I’m not using the word choked lightly here, people. There was a moment when I believed I was about to die right in front of my child. I wasn’t coughing and sputtering – I couldn’t – because I wasn’t able to breathe – like, at all.... Continue Reading →

Time bomb

May. Almost overnight, trees naked since before Halloween sprout bright green leaves, flowers pop, and the sun’s rays are warm enough to pink exposed cheeks and noses. School-aged children smell the freedom that lurks just out of reach, but it’s not yet hotter than an August day in hell. Nor are there insects buzzing around... Continue Reading →

In the moment

I love to travel. I get that this is not breaking news to any of you who have followed my blog from day one. You’ve probably even clued into this passion of mine if you’re a more recent convert. It’s not a secret. From the beginning of time as I know it, I have yearned... Continue Reading →

Get up and go

“Maybe you don’t feel like it, but you need to do it anyway.” That’s what the little voice inside my head kept repeating this morning. It’s Sunday. I was still in my pajamas with a cat on my lap as the clock ticked ever closer to 10 am. I’m not going to lie, there are... Continue Reading →

Memory interrupted

In October of 2016, I was not myself. I wasn’t doing any of the things I love to do, the things that make me happy. I wasn’t writing. I wasn’t taking photos. I couldn’t read a novel or watch a full-length movie from start to finish. Getting through one book chapter or 22-minute sitcom was... Continue Reading →

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