If hobbits were dogs

When Mr. C was 18-months old, we picked out a puppy. Before the big day, I made arrangements with the woman on the phone, telling her that I wanted one of the females – I wasn’t interested in the male. A few hours later, we sat in the grass as puppies frolicked about. They were... Continue Reading →

Wind, water and falling leaves

We’ve got weather! So far things are ok. We made it through the night without any trees falling near our townhouse and we still have power, unlike some others in the area. However, that was merely Storm One. Storm Two is supposed to hit tomorrow and it could get freaky wild and windy. So, keep... Continue Reading →

The Evergreen State

On what is supposed to be our second to last morning, I decide I’m done. No more hotels. No more road food. No more trip. We are driving through all the way to my parents’ house. It’s 11 hours of drive time, which I’ve done on plenty of other trips, but not with so many... Continue Reading →

Crossing Montana

I am out of windshield washer fluid. I’ve run completely dry due to the massive cover-up I’ve been running to try to hide the fact that I’ve slaughtered an extreme number of innocent bugs while driving across the United States. Obviously, I’ve crossed state lines so I’m looking at a Federal crime of epic proportions.... Continue Reading →

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

On this trip, I’ve checked four new states off my list. That was supposed to be it, but the other night I discovered that with a 3 ½ hour straight shot north we could drive from Sturgis to Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, one of my missing states. What’s not to love about... Continue Reading →

Sandhills to Black Hills

Last summer, my parents celebrated their 50th anniversary. Way to go, Mom and Dad! Not only did you manage to raise two kids who turned into responsible, respectable adults, but you also managed to put up with each other for a really long time. If you put my two marriages together I come up with... Continue Reading →

Connections revisited

Mr. C has a lot of cousins and all but one are girls. Somehow, the one boy just happens to be almost the same age as he is. This sounds perfect, right? Well, it would be except that Mr. C never gets to see these cousins. His dad travels a lot for work, so whenever... Continue Reading →

Louis times two

Until the other day, it hadn't occurred to me that Louisville and St. Louis both have Louis in their names. Thinking about weird connections is one of the many things you have time to ponder if you are driving cross country. Anyway, we made it to both of them in one full day of driving.... Continue Reading →

The dog factor

I like to think of myself as a friendly, if somewhat reserved, person. When a complete stranger initiates a conversation with me I’m happy to talk. From time to time I’ll even be the one to talk first. I almost always smile or nod as I pass someone on the street, but most of the... Continue Reading →


  Here’s what I knew about Cincinnati before we arrived: It’s in Ohio. WKRP is here. It must be somewhat big because it has both a professional baseball and football team. It’s home to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center which also happens to be the reason we are here. Don’t feel bad if you... Continue Reading →

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